Wood and derivatives Department
We produced our first wooden pallets, 100% hand-made, in 1968. Ten years later, we bought our first automatic nailing machine and our turnover has steadily increased since.
1982 - New buildings are erected and we purchase our first FERE machines.
2000 - We invest in a CAPE machine and obtain our ISO 9001 certification.
2009 – A SODEME machine is installed.
Today, on top of the Sodeme, we have four automated production lines and two manual lines, enabling us to produce a large range of pallets, whether standard or customized.
Our production tool is completed by two fixed and one mobile dryer, for the phyto-sanitary treatment and the drying of the wood. Our roofed storage area is 7200 sqm large.
We are certified ISO 9001 since 2000.

Our products
CP range, apart from the CP7
Food pallets
Pallets with rafters
Lost pallets
Various tailor-made plateaus, frames and pallets
Our main customers operate in various sectors and industries : food, building materials, steel, petrochemicals, car equipment, printing, packaging, conditioning,…
Wood Department Contacts
Bénédicte Marchewka, Sales Manager
Courriel : bmarchewka[at]ajregniers.be - Mobile +32 498 61 04 56
Fabienne Lete , Sales Assistant
Courriel : salespa[at]ajregniers.be - Tel : + 32 71 59 99 56